29 June 2012

A Long Photographic Tradition at Buddy's Crabs and Ribs

Each year, the crew from Buddy’s get together for a group photo.  The tradition started many years ago and you can find the images dating back to 1989 on the wall at Buddy’s Crabs and Ribs in Downtown Annapolis.  For 20 years, KRR has been responsible for capturing this fun large group of hard working crew.

To give you an idea of how smoothly the photo session went, here is a run down of our morning's work. The KRR team arrived at Buddy's at 8:50am. They worked quickly and efficiently at setting up their lights, and arranging the chairs and stools to accommodate the large group. After setting up 3 light stands, 3 lights, an extra tall tripod and a ladder, at 9:25am the KRR team was ready to place the group of more than 90 people. KRR brought all 90 people into the photo, at 9:30 the owner of Buddy's walked in, took his spot in the front row. KRR snapped several shots to make sure everyone was smiling with eyes open, at 9:35am everyone was back to work getting the restaurant ready for the day. KRR packed up their gear and headed back to the studio to prepare the proofs for the client.  What might have been an hour's work for the photographers, was only 5 minutes for the restaurant crew, making their photo day hassle free.

We are excited to keep this yearly tradition for Buddy's going for over 20 years. If you get a chance to check out their wall, it's incredible to see the growth and change. 
For a great time, good food, and wonderful pictures go to Buddy’s Crab and Ribs http://www.buddysannap.com/

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